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Yes We Can: Journey Towards Independence

Video: Journey To Independence Promo

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Join Michelle and her guide dog, Tonne, for a new, interactive video series designed to share how she lives an independent, quality life as a person who is DeafBlind. Each 30-minute episode will include pre-recorded segments, followed by a live dialogue with Michelle, who is eager to share her experiences and connect with viewers. Tying all of these episodes together is the connection to the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC), which includes foundational skills essential for people with disabilities.

Coming soon! Promoting Student Wellness Through Accessible Recreation and Leisure Part II

Spring 2025

Watch Previous Webinars

Available with a free OCALI Account! Certificates available upon completion.

Click the area of interest below, login to your account, and access all previously aired sessions of the Yes We Can: Journey Towards Independence series.

Yes We Can: Journey Towards Independence (Full Series)

An important component of transitioning into adulthood includes independent daily living skills. Join Michelle and her guide dog to see an example of what a quality independent life can look like. Also, learn about the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC).

Meet Michelle

Get to know Michelle and hear her disability story, one that is similar to that of many other families. Can you relate? Michelle, her mom, and sister will share their authentic perspective of their disability experience, including their challenges and successes. Come share your story as well!

Travel With Tonne: Guide Dogs and Mobility

Learn various ways in which Michelle uses a combination of tools and skills to navigate her world safely and effectively. Find out the answers to your questions regarding guide dogs.

New House, New Rules: Independent Living in a Shared Space

Learn how Michelle made the transition between living alone in an apartment into a new house with roommates. Hear how this change for Michelle came with the learning new skills and considerations for daily living.

Play Hard, Work Hard With Assistive Technology (AT)

Learn about what assistive technology (AT) Michelle uses, and how it has been helpful to support her access, participation, and independence.

Exploring Careers and Transition Supports

What do you want to do when you grow up? This can be an overwhelming question for young people to consider. Register now to learn about career education and various transition supports, and how this process can help students address that question.

Should I, or Shouldn’t I? Disability Disclosure For Employment

All job seekers with a disability are faced with the same question. Should I tell my employer about my disabilities? Register to learn about Michelle’s experience with this process, and learn the 5 Ws—who, what, where, when, why and how of disability disclosure for employment. Additionally, hear our human resources professional answer common questions from a legal perspective.

Access and Audiology

Join Michelle and her guide dog as they attend an audiology appointment. Watch how Michelle applies transition skills using the Audiology and Self-advocacy Expanded Core Curriculum standards, and learn about surprising misconceptions regarding cochlear implants and

Promoting Student Wellness Through Accessible Recreation and Leisure - Part I

Recreation and leisure activities offer physiological and psychological benefits that contribute to overall student wellness. Join Michelle as she explores kayaking, rock climbing, gardening, crafts, and more as a woman who is deafblind. Discover how sports, games, and hobbies can be adapted for students who are Blind/Visually Impaired, Deafblind, or Deaf/Hard of Hearing. There will be an opportunity for live Q&A and conversation. Downloads will be available with resources and tips to use and share!