Screenings, Assessments, and Educational Evaluations for Learners who are Blind or Visually Impaired
Functional Assessment
Functional Vision Assessment
The Functional Vision Assessment (FVA) is an assessment of how a learner using their vision for everyday activities. A teacher of students with visual impairments (TVI) will perform the assessment through a variety of tests, observations, and interviews with parents, teachers, and the learner. An individual's visual condition and abilities can change over time, therefore the functional vision assessment needs to be repeated periodically. Family Connect provides additional information on which areas of vision will be assessed during a FVA.

To learn more about this topic, and earn professional development credit, log in to your OCALI ID account and watch the Functional Vision Assessment: An Introduction webinar!
Preview the following tools available to assist in completing a FVA:
FVLMA Kit: Functional Vision and Learning Media Assessment
The FVLMA kit provides a framework for assessing a student’s visual functioning needs and determining needs for adapting educational material.NewT Kit
The NewT Kit provides all of the tools and activities necessary for providing a FVA and LMA.