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Educational Service Guidelines for the Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Standards Quick Reference

Section 1: Identification and Referral

Standard 1: Hearing Screening

Hearing screenings to identify students who may have hearing loss must be conducted consistent with national and state best practice guidelines. Source: Ohio Revised Code 3313.69

Standard 2: Identification and Referral

Procedures exist for locating and referring infants, children, and youth who are deaf and hard of hearing who may require early supports and services or special education. Source: Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities 3301-51-03 (A)(B)(1)

Standard 3: Audiological Referral

Students who do not pass hearing screenings are referred and scheduled to receive an audiological assessment within 30 days of the screening.

Standard 4: Collaboration

Educational programs for students who are D/HH establish collaborative relationships with families, related service providers, individuals who are deaf/hard of hearing, medical providers, and state agency personnel in order to ensure students and families are promptly referred for appropriate services and connected to relevant resources. Source: Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities

Standard 5: Medical Support

Students who are D/HH are referred for appropriate medical assessments as indicated (e.g. otolaryngology, genetics, ophthalmology).

Section 2: Assessment of Unique Needs

Standard 6: Persons Conducting the Specialized Assessment

The assessment of students who are D/HH, birth through 21, is conducted by personnel who understand the unique nature of hearing loss and who are specifically trained to conduct these specialized assessments. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301-51-06 (E)(3)(a-d)

Standard 7: Domains to be Assessed

Qualified professionals assess all relevant areas of functioning to provide a comprehensive profile of the students who are D/HH. Professionals performing these assessments work collaboratively to determine the effect skills in each domain have on the students as a learner. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301-51-06 (E)(d)(f)(

Standard 8: Test Administration

Once a qualified assessment team completes a communication evaluation and determines the primary language and preferred communication approach of a student who is D/HH, tests are administered using that identified language and communication approach and are conducted by professionals proficient in that approach. This practice assures that assessments reflect an accurate measure of abilities regardless of mastery of spoken or written English. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301-51-06 (E)(a)(ii)

Standard 9: Specialized Services, Materials, and Equipment

The assessment report identifies the unique learning needs of the student related to and impacted by the hearing loss, including needs for specialized services, materials, equipment, and accommodations for the educational environment. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301-51-06 (E)(3)(f)(g)

Standard 10: Placement Considerations

A continuum of placement options is reviewed and placement is determined by the IFSP/IEP/504 Plan team based on valid and reliable assessment data and other information that identifies individual needs across communication, academic, and social domains.Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301-51-09 (C)(1)(2)(a)

Section 3: Instruction and Learning

Standard 11: Multidisciplinary Team

All persons identified on the IFSP/IEP/504 Plan who provide services form a multidisciplinary team that includes a teacher of the deaf, and that works collaboratively and flexibly to meet the needs of students who are D/HH. The team must include the personnel necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment resulting in recommendations that are based on valid data.Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301-51-06 (H)(2)(d)

Standard 12: Focus on Communication

Curriculum and instruction are delivered using the communication approach that meets the unique needs of the students as defined in his/her Communication Plan.

Students in public schools who are D/HH have rights under IDEA, Section 504, and Title II of the ADA. Because each law has a slightly different intent, their individual provisions must be considered when addressing the communication needs of students from preschool through high school graduation. Title II non-discrimination requirements may require additional accommodations beyond the IDEA to ensure communication is as effective as for non-disabled peers. The communication preferences of the individual are paramount when determining appropriate auxiliary aids and services. CFR {300.324(a) (2) (iv)

Standard 13: Focus on Authentic, Meaningful, and Direct Peer Interactions

The student has authentic, meaningful, and direct peer interactions and is able to participate in a variety of social and academic opportunities. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301-51-07(L)(b)(iv) CFR {300.324(a)(2)(iv)

Standard 14: District Core Curriculum and Standards

Students who are D/HH will be instructed using the early intervention and curriculum that are aligned with established state standards. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301- 51-09(G)(2)

Standard 15: Supplemental Specialized Curricula

In addition to the state core standards, students who are D/HH will be provided with supplemental specialized curricula coordinated among service providers, which contains well-defined, rigorous, and relevant instruction and evidenced based practices in the areas of need as identified on the IFSP/IEP/504 Plan.

Standard 16: Transition

Transition occurs periodically throughout the education of a student who is D/HH: Part C (Early Supports and Services) to Part B (Preschool Special Education), preschool to elementary school, elementary school to middle school/high school, and high school to vocational and/or post-secondary education. In order for these transitions to be seamless, planning and implementing support services must occur prior to each transition. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301-51-11 (7)(D) 33301-51-07 (H)(2)(a) and (b)

Standard 17: Progress Monitoring

Individual student progress is monitored frequently using informal and formal measures that align with the content curriculum. Data is used to modify instruction and, when necessary, programming and services. Ohio Operating standards for students with Disabilities: 3301-51-07(H)(b-e)

Section 4: Support for Instruction and Learning

Standard 18: Statement of Purpose

The programs and services for children/youth who are deaf and hard of hearing have a clear statement of purpose, including outcomes for expected learning, communication competency, and social/emotional well-being. The statement addresses the critical need for equal opportunity in each of these areas. Ohio Administrative Code: 3301-35-06(A)

Standard 19: Language and Communication

Language and communication play a central role in the cognitive, academic, social, and emotional development of children who are deaf/hard of hearing. CRF 300.304(c)(3)

Standard 20: State Oversight

Department of Education and Workforce supports policies that are consistent with the guidelines put forth in this document and monitors results. The policies support each student's achievement of the expected learning results. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301-51-07(C)(D)

Standard 21: Collaborative Programs

Programs and services may be provided through or coordinated with collaborative or cooperative programs to more effectively serve students who are D/HH. Ohio Operating standards for students with Disabilities: 3301-51-07(C)(D)

Standard 22: Continuum of Options

Each LEA provides access to a full continuum of communication, placement, program, and service options. The LEA collaborates with local and state education authorities, institutions of higher education, and other agencies to ensure provision of appropriate services for students who are D/ HH. Provision of services may occur locally or within a collaborative setting. 34 CRF 104.33-104.36 Deaf Students Education Services

Standard 23: Students with Multiple Disabilities, Deafblindness

Relevant specialized services are provided for students who are D/HH with multiple disabilities and who are deafblind. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities: 3301-51-07 (H)(b) 3301-51-09 (2)(3)

Standard 24: Staff Qualifications

Students who are D/HH, birth through age 21, including those with multiple disabilities and blindness, are instructed by early intervention providers (birth to 3) and teachers (age 3-21) who are specifically trained and/or licensed to teach these individuals. Ohio Operating standards for students with Disabilities: 3301-51-09(H)(1-3) 3301-51-11(I)

Standard 25: Other Qualified Personnel

Each student is served by qualified professionals, including support personnel, who have the skills necessary to provide instruction and services that meet the academic, communication, social, emotional, and transition needs of students who are D/HH. Ohio Operating standards for students with Disabilities: 3301-51-09 (H)(1-3)

Standard 26: Workload Management

Class size and workloads of staff support the provision of specialized instruction and services based on the unique educational needs of students who are deaf/hard of hearing. Ohio Operating standards for students with Disabilities: 3301-51-09 (I)(1-5)

Standard 27: Professional Development

The school districts provide training and mentoring for staff to enhance the overall achievement of students who are D/HH. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities 3301-51-09 (H)(1-2)

Standard 28: Training for Educational Personnel

The school districts provide training to general education personnel serving students who are D/H regarding communication accommodations, acoustic accommodations/modifications, assistive technology, modifications of the curriculum, and understanding of the impact of hearing loss on development and learning. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities 3301-51-09 (H)(5)(a-b)

Standard 29: Facilities

Facilities are designed and maintained to enhance the provision of instruction and services to meet the unique communication, education, and safety needs of students who are D/HH. Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-01

Standard 30: Program Accountability

The school leadership, program administrators, and staff have knowledge and skills to ensure that students who are D/HH receive appropriate instruction and designated services. Each student’s progress toward accomplishing the expected state and schoolwide learning results is regularly assessed. The aggregate student’s progress is reported to the school community, including families, the deaf/hard-of-hearing community, and related agencies and organizations. Ohio Operating Standards for Students with Disabilities 3301-51-09 (h)(1)

Section 5: Parent, Family, and Community Involvement

Standard 31: Family Training and Support

The school or program provides continuous opportunities for families to acquire the necessary skills in communication and language development, to support the implementation of their child's IFSP/ IEP Plan. In regards to family training, support, collaboration, and partnership among the different agencies and educational programs is essential. 4 CRF sec. 300.34 (c)(8)(i-iii)

Standard 32: Family Training and Support

Programs and school services actively promote families as equal partners encouraging strong collaboration between program/school staff and the development of family leadership. This collaboration is reflected in every aspect of the program or school and includes a plan for involving families when developing, evaluating, changing, implementing service for students who are deaf/ hard of hearing. Ohio Operating standards for students with Disabilities: 3301-51-07(J)(1)(2)(i)(ii)

Standard 33: Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Adults and Community Involvement

The deaf and hard-of-hearing communities are involved in program development and service development and encourage strong collaboration between school staff, families, and deaf and hard-of-hearing community members.