Ohio Guidelines for Working with Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired
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Learners who are blind or visually impaired have a wide range of abilities, as well as needs. To support them in the general education curriculum, educators, and families must be knowledgeable of services required and resources available. Some of the key features for students with visual impairments include specialized personnel, materials, equipment, and educational settings to ensure appropriate individualized education.
In addition to the general education curriculum that all Ohio students receive, students who are blind or visually impaired also need an expanded core curriculum to meet the needs directly related to their visual impairments. Qualified educators are an important part of the team for every student with a visual impairment, which includes certified teachers of students with visual impairments and certified orientation and mobility specialists. Parents and caregivers also need information and support to be able to make informed decisions and to participate in their child’s educational experience.
Having a clear understanding of the unique learning needs of students with visual impairments allows all team members to make decisions about educational support and planning.
The purpose of the Ohio Guidelines for Working With Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired is to provide guidance for decision-making for educators and families.