Parent Mentors B/VI
The Parent Mentor Project (PMP) is Ohio’s statewide system for organizing professional parent mentors. Please note that some school districts may hire professionals who’s role is similar, yet not affiliated with the PM Project. The PMP has been funded by the Ohio Department of Education’s Office for Exceptional Children since 1991, and is currently managed by Ohio’s Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities (OCECD). Contact OCECD for more information.
Parent Mentors are parents of students with disabilities who have experience with the special education process and procedures grades K-12. Parent Mentors act as navigators for parents new to special education, or those wanting additional support navigating all the procedures. They also can serve as helpful resource guides and trainers to both schools and families. Some services they provide include:
- Helping families prepare for individualized education program (IEP) meetings
- Attending IEP meetings with families,
- Educating families on the special education process.
Learn how Parent Mentors can support families with children who are Blind/Visually Impaired. Resources and tools for families and schools will also be shared throughout the video presentation.
Video: Intro Parent Mentor for Ohio School for the Deaf and Ohio School for the Blind
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