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Protocols and Practices: Telepsychological Assessment

The recent and rapid transition to remote learning left instructional leaders and educators little to no time to prepare and transition how they deliver instruction. Meeting and assessing the needs of all learners in this online environment has been challenging, particularly for students who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, or visually impaired.

To help school psychologists and district and building leaders build comfort and confidence in virtually assessing all learners, particularly those who are D/HH and B/VI, OCALI is pleased to offer a free, two-part webinar series.

This webinar series is brought to you by The Outreach Center for Deafness and Blindness at OCALI in partnership with the Ohio Department of Education, State Support Team 15 serving Ross, Pike, Scioto and Lawrence Counties, and the Statewide Services at both, the Ohio State School for the Blind and the Ohio School for the Deaf.

Video: Telspsychology Part 2 - Protocols and Practices-Telepsychological Assessment

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Part II is designed to build upon Part I as a continuation of learning for professionals completing assessments via telepsychology.

This session is designed to provide an overview of what to do and not do when administering cognitive testing (e.g., intelligence testing, academic achievement testing) via a telepsychological assessment model, and build the capacity to assess all learners, especially those related to access for D/HH and B/VI learners.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to identify barriers to providing intelligence and academic achievement testing via telepsychology for all learners, especially those related to access for D/HH and B/VI learners.
  • Explore solutions to barriers in providing intelligence and academic achievement testing via telepsychology.
  • Learn how to administer one or more intelligence and academic tests via telespsychology.
  • Learn how to maintain test security and ensure data integrity when testing via telepsychology.

Download the Slideshow

If you are interested in obtaining a professional development certificate to document that you have completed Part Two of the two-part web-based video series, “Building Capacity to Serve All Learners: Effectively Assessing Learners via Telepsychology”, please complete the evaluation form linked here:

Once you have watched the video, then completed and submitted the evaluation form, you will be given access to a Professional Development Certificate for this training.

If you have any questions about Continuing Education credit for this web-based video series, please email

Note: These webinars were live sessions with American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters and live captioning made available. Due to transition points for interpreters and teleconferencing technologies that require pinning the interpreter's camera, there are instances where ASL interpreting is not visible in the recorded version. Captions are available during these transitions and throughout the recording.

Disclaimer: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, education professionals have had to pivot and adjust while still ensuring the needs of all students are met. OCALI strives to provide accurate information on potential options during this time. OCALI is not giving legal or regulatory advice, or recommending virtual assessment. For more information please access the guidance from the Ohio Department of Education: Telehealth Guidelines for Service Providers