
The Functional Listening Evaluation originally published by Cheryl DeConde Johnson, Ed.D., can provide critical information to support a learner’s access across educational environments, but training on how to administer this assessment is variable in higher education programs. This module was created to walk you through the purpose of a Functional Listening Evaluation, the steps in conducting one, the materials you will need in order to administer, and how to utilize the data to determine appropriate accommodations. A demonstration of the assessment along with the use of case studies will deepen your learning and provide you with the information necessary to administer the assessment with your own learners.
Estimated Time to Complete: 1 hour
Learning Objectives:
- Be able to explain why a Functional Listening Evaluation is conducted.
- Identify the steps to conduct a functional listening evaluation.
- Given a set of completed Functional Listening Evaluation data, identify the student’s best listening environment and name an accommodation that can be beneficial to the student based on the results.
- Name two additional resources you can use to prepare for or administer a Functional Listening Evaluation.
Dr. Pat Skidmore
An Audiologist at Montgomery County ESC-Regional Center. Her primary role includes providing hearing and auditory processing evaluations and working with educational teams to determine appropriate supports for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. She is a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist certified by AGBell and a fluent signer. Dr. Skidmore has a special focus area on language development in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing population from birth to age five.
Dr. Mandi Hinton
Dr. Mandi Hinton is an audiologist at the Ohio School for the Deaf and the Ohio State School for the Blind. She provides educational evaluations for deaf and hard of hearing, deafblind, and blind or visually impaired students through Statewide Services and Outreach and often travels across the state to administer Functional Listening Evaluations. Dr. Hinton has a special focus on evaluating and serving students with complex learning needs.
Dr. Leah Demko
Dr. Leah Demko is an audiologist for the state of Ohio servicing the Ohio School for the Deaf and the Ohio State School for the Blind. Her background includes being an American Sign Language interpreter and working as a clinical audiologist for a large neurotology practice. She is beginning her educational audiology career with a primary function of conducting comprehensive audiology assessments and managing hearing assistive technology for students in the schools. Dr. Demko has a special skill set of being able to directly communicate with students and families whose primary mode of communication is ASL.
Additional Documents
Functional Listening Evaluation - Johnson
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